Wednesday, May 2, 2012

ART 450 book descisions

I have made several descisions concerning the memory book for my grandmother. 
1.   the size of the book will 8x10 portrait format.
2.   it will have about 120 pages in it.
3.   it will be hardcover with a printed dust jacket.

I have pulled together all of the photos I have of her, so I can start to weed through them and select the best ones for use in the book.  I have also located print photos available to me and will soon get them scanned for inclusion in the book.

I have sent a reminder top all of my siblings and others that I need the information they desire to have included in the book.  I have extended the deadline for recieving the information.  this was so that if they choose to mail the items, it will still arrive at a reasonable time. 

I have found that once I have everything for a book, I am very quick at compiling the components in a pleasing manner.  for this reason I fele i can afford to extend the deadline I listed for having the information form family members for the book.

Friday, April 27, 2012

ART 349 book decisions

I have dicided to use "Blurb" ( to produce the book for class.  I will be using the trade book size which is 6x9 inches.  These decisions were made due to cost and the fact that Blurb has a plugin for Indesign available for free.  The plugin creates a template make for each size book and a cover templat for each size as well.

cover for book

First page

one of the inner pages

final page

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sunday, April 15, 2012

ART 349 book assignment

ART 349

1.      Spring showers and flowers; Season of joy and growth

2.      Book of flower photos and interesting quotes

3.      This is to be a book of flower pictures that I have taken myself, with quotes that I feel match each picture.

4.      As a photographer, I have taken many pictures of flowers in the spring and I still do so.  I will be using pictures from the past two years and from this year as well to create this book.  I will be spending time searching for quotes from various persons to combine with my pictures.  The quotes may be familiar to everyone or may not.  The photos and the quotes will reflect the joy and growth of spring. 

5.      Oops…expansion of the words above into a page long statement is not something I do well.  I am much better at being short and concise that expansive.

6.      I have spent time reviewing books that look like what I am interested in producing.  These books include Pooped Puppies, If Cats Could Talk, and Wisdom of Kittens.  All of these books are hardbound printed books and each varies in size.  They are all small, 5.25x5.25, 6.25x6.25 and 5.25x6.75. 

7.      Sample pictures

8.      I will use photographs taken with a Nikon digital camera.  The book will mostly be in color though I may include some black and white photos too.  I will use quotes with each photo.  I will use an easy to read font and font size.  I am considering 7.25x7.25 or 9.5x7.5 as possible size for the book.  Length could be 24 to 36 pages.

9.      Timeline

a.      19 April 2012…review spring flower photographs and start selecting pictures

b.      23 April 2012…contact printers about book and what they need

c.      26 April 2012…start finding and selecting quotes for book

d.      3 May 2012…start combining quotes with photos and arranging them for the book

e.      10 May 2012…finalize selections and combinations for book

f.       17 May 2012…send book off to printer for printing

g.      12 June 2012…turn in completed project

ART 450 Special Projects assignment

ART 450

1.     Mary O’Garrin

2.     A book of memories as we remember Mary.

3.     This is to be a book of pictures and text that presents the memories of Mary’s siblings, children, grandchildren and nieces.  It is intended to give a real picture of who she was and be a memorial to her.

4.     I have asked my siblings and others members of our family who are directly related to Mary to present information and pictures for this book.  I have given a deadline for when I must have submissions. It is my hope that those invited will participate in the creation of this book about my Grandma Mary.  She was a very wonderful person and I am pleased to have known her and to be one of her six living grandchildren.  While I know how many children, siblings and grandchildren she has, I do not know how many nieces and nephews Mary has.  I have met one of my cousins, who I believe is going to contribute to this book.

5.     I am going to produce a book.  It will be bound and copies given to my siblings, and other family members.  I am thinking of using a 9.5 x 7.5 format for the book.  The book will have text and photos included and may be as short as 16 pages or as long as 50 plus pages.

6.     I have been researching other books of a similar form and purpose.

7.     I have no specific ideas or work to present today.

8.     Issues I need to address include getting everyone who can to actually contribute information in a timely manner, contacting a printer and actually completing the project on time.  Deciding on how many copies to have printed and then distributing them is another issue to be reviewed.

9.     Timeline

a.      1 May 2012…have all submissions for book

b.     7 May 2012…have basic organization of book completed

c.      15 May 2012…have book reviewed for errors and get it ready for printing

d.     21 May 2012…send book to printer

e.      12 June 2012…turn in finished book